We utilize cam machines designed to produce the highest quality parts per your design and requirements.
Cost-effective for tight tolerance, small precision parts in low to high volumes. Often used for medical or electronics components.
Capable of extremely tight tolerances of +/-0 .0001” or better
Machine diameters .001” or larger
Turned diameter tolerances of +/-.0001” or better -complete on machine
Surface Finishes of 2 √ or better
Deep Hole Drilling ratio 13:1
Brasses, stainless steels, Delrin, Peek, 17-4Ph and more
Call 866-673-4590 or
MPC has access to customized cam machines designed to get the best intersection of precision, volume, and production speed. This is a cost effective precision machining solution that is ideal for high volume machining of precision parts. Often used for electronics components.
Capable of 60,000,000 weekly of high precision, consistent high-quality components
All brasses and some stainless steels
This machine uses coil stock (wire feed). The tools spin around the material feed and there is a burr-free cut-off. This machine is used for small to high-volume part production.
.012” - .236” diameters
2” max length
Surface Finishes of 2 √ or better
Tolerances of .0002” depending on material and part specification
Steels, brasses, titanium, palladium, phynox
High Surface Finishing Available
We offer high surface finishing for parts that require a mirror-like finish.